Thursday, October 25, 2007

Heisenberg and Einstein Take On Inflation

Have you ever tried reading a newspaper when it is pressed up against the tip of your nose? It is pretty much impossible to do without straining your eyes. That is how I view inflation, it is constantly in front of our face, and it is also constantly in motion. Also, prices tend to move so slowly that it is difficult to even see that they are moving at all. Whoever thought that Einstein's theory of relativity could be useful to economics?

It is kind of like seeing an old friend that you have not seen for a few years. Sometimes they will look drastically different, maybe they gained weight, grew a beard, or even had plastic surgery.

Imagine if you were able to transport yourself back 8 years and come back today. Would you perceive prices differently as they are now? Lets find out

Cost of gasoline in 1999: 1.33 per gallon (12 month average sampled 4 times per month)

2007: 2.95 per gallon

That is a 121% increase in the cost of gasoline over an 8 year period

Well, lets be honest. We all know that crude oil prices have skyrocketed because of increasing demand. I'm sure that prices for other things have not gone up. After all, the fed keeps telling us that inflation is under control.

Product 1999 Price Price Today % Increase
Electricity per 500 KWH 45.375 61.457 35.44
White Bread 0.899 1.212 34.81
Eggs Grade A 0.92 1.825 98.36
Orange juice 1.822 2.59 42.15

It is comforting to know that according to the federal reserve, people do not need to eat or use energy. Don't you feel better now that you moved that newspaper away from your nose :) ?

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